About Us and Our Message

      The Word of God is more than just a book, words written on paper, and more than just the greatest story ever told (although true). There is real living power in the Word of God. Power that can strengthen you where you are weak. Power that can break you free from any stronghold that has you stuck. Power that can free you from any trap that the devil may bring against you. Power that can enable us to step out in faith and not live in fear. There is an unconditional love that even when you can’t love yourself, He still loves you. There is encouragement, understanding, wisdom, power and so much more in the Word of God that needs to be shared with the world.

       iwearlivingscriptures is a fictitious name or the “Doing Business As (DBA)” name for Living Scriptures, LLC. Living Scriptures, LLC is a single member limited liability company out of Woodbridge, Virginia with Christian values and beliefs. This website is monitored and managed by Living Scriptures, LLC and although iwearlivingscriptures is a fictitious name, our goal and our mission is real.

Jesus Loves You

Our Mission for the Outside

       Everyday we come in contact with someone, whether up close and personal or from a far, that can be encouraged, motivated, or even feel loved by the Word of God. What we choose to wear everyday could have a bigger effect on others than we know. We don’t know what someone may be going through and the words on your clothing could be exactly what someone needs to hear (or read in this case) to help them in their situation. Scriptures on a shirt might be the closest someone gets to reading the Word of God, but all it takes is one word that could change someone’s life.

Jesus Loves You

Our Mission for the Inside

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you”

– Isaiah 43:2

       “WHEN you pass through”- Its not if we have hard times, but WHEN we have hard times. It is a guaranteed that we will face trials and tribulations where our faith will be tested and we may just need to be reminded of Gods Word. In hard times, when we have grown weary and cannot see the end of the tunnel, you look down and you are encouraged by God’s Word and His promises. He WILL be with us. We will NOT be overcome by the rivers. We WILL pass through and make it to the other side.

Jesus Loves You

Our Mission For All

       In this day an age we all need God’s truth and His living Word more than ever. Through television, social media, mission trips, and many other means, the Word of God is reaching all the ends of the earth. Lets allow our clothing and apparel to be another outlet used to reach the world. Allow your shirt to be a conversation starter, encouragement to others as well as a reminder to yourself of God’s word. Lets live out His word and not walk in defeat because through God and God alone we will be victorious.

Jesus Loves You

For the Word of God is Living and Powerful. It is the only book that as you begin to read it, it will begin to read you. It will change your life for the better if you allow it to and that’s why


I Wear LivingScriptures.